Monday, August 23, 2010


Haven't updated in awhile but feel the need to rant excessively.

What the fuck has happened to civilised society? I mean seriously, I was standing at the deli at woolworths this afternoon and this stupid blonde mother with a newborn baby and two toddlers was also there, when the woman working in the deli approached me to serve me, I said 'I believe she was here first', and motioned to the woman and her skanky, scrappy children. She gave me the biggest filthy and muttered a comment that sound like 'damn right I'm first' and did even acknowledge what I'd done! No thank you, no appreciation, nothing! Just a rude fucking comment and the concept that she should have been first regardless. What the fuck man!? What makes her so god damn special? Having ugly kids?? Having no brains? Not having a life?! None of those are my problem! She can just go jump. Next time I'll just place my order first.

And driving is just as bad! People in Sydney drive like fucking assholes and don't give a fuck about anyone else cos they're too worried about themselves and where they need to go. Damn it, I just want out, I can't take it anymore! Seriously, people need to calm the fuck down and open their minds to other people a bit more. Stop being so closed minded, self-absorbed and idiotic!

And these small incidents seem to be happening more and more often. It's seriously driving me up the fricking wall. People are so rude, arrogant and inconsiderate that they think they can do whatever the hell they want and they they are more important than anyone else! It's ludacris. I can't help but wonder what the hell happened to society? Where the hell did we go wrong? It's bullshit, total complete bullshit and I'm over it all.


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